B.tech mechanical or B.tech mechanical specialized automotive. Which is better in scope?
Hi Sivam,
Mechanical Engineering is one of the oldest branches in tge field of engineering and is a core branch that has in the past been in demand very much. Mechanical specialized automotive is relatively more narrowed down branch and newer. It deals with a more specific section of mechanical engineering whereas mechanical engineering is a much broader subject. It is all about your interest and depends on what field you want to make your career in. Mechanical engineering has seen a slight fall in demand but the rise and fall of demand is very common and there is always some variation in the demands. Whereas automobile industry has seen a surge due to huge increase in demand for automobiles. If I were to choose from these two I would go for mechanical engineering because it offers more career options and different fields of work due to broader range of the subject. However it would be of utmost importance to keep your interest in mind as it will greatly decide how you perform in your work.