Can anyone tell me the books to read for BITSAT 2019 and JEE ADVANCED 2019?*(separately for both) and also give me 40 days plan for both....
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Hello Divyesh,
As you know that there is very less time for the Exams so books will be not very helpful to score good marks in the exam, You need to work smartly. It is recommended, You attempt maximum amount of questions, Focus on the most asked questions. The most important out of all BITSAT tips and tricks is the efficiency of time management. You need to solve the questions accurately and quickly in this exam, For this you need a lot of Practice.
BITSAT is online test. So, solve online test series as much you can to build your confidence.
You can also prefer a personalized Preparation course BITSAT 2019 Knock Out It will be helpful for you to prepare the exam smartly with Unlimited Online Mock test, 5,000+ Concepts, formulas and Definitions, Most asked questions, personalized strength and weakness sheet to analyse yourself and more.
JEE Advance Preparation tips :
It is recommended that you should focus on important topics which carries more weightage in the exam.
Go through NCERT books to clear your concepts and to build your fundamentals strong. Refer the previous year papers for your practice.
If you have made notes of the important points, read them. It will save you the trouble of having to go through large blocks of irrelevant text unless you really need to.
Revision plays an important role, For effective revision, make sure that the time lag between successive revision is not too much, this way things will stay fresh in your mind and revision will be a breeze.
Solve enough JEE Advanced sample and question papers.
You can refer the below given link for the further information about.
Good Luck!
Hey Divyesh,
Solve the previous year question paper of JEE Advanced and BITSAT both. This will give you a glimpse of the type of questions asked in these examinations and after that do your preparation chapterwise so that you could judge your level of preparation according to these examinations. Just be consistent and give your best to each and every revision step you will definitely get a rank in these exams.
Good luck !
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