Can I get a job after 4 years of automobile engineering or should I go for further studies
If you are keen in earning, you can join any automobile companies, or service centers (do not expect any white color job or high remuneration initially) and get minimum two years experience and then jump in to a big auto industries with your knowledge and skill. If you are interested in learning, you can plan for that without any further delay. Automobile sector is fastest growing industries and it is estimated that around 7 to 8 millions of vehicles (light) and 3 to 5 millions of vehicles (heavy motors) by 2022.
Keep updating your core knowledge on regular basis. Only this will help you, no matter where you go.
Automotive sector like the other sectors has changed so drastically that the older technologies are gonna end up in near future.
Develop your skills, level up your knowledge, you can crack it in any field.
I hope, I answered your question.