can I get a seat in iiit vadodra icd 2021 csab round general rank 46031 and obc rank 11775
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Hello Aspirant,
As we go through the latest cut-offs of JEE-Main 2020 of CSAB 2nd round then it shows that :-
Closing CRL rank for Indian Institute of Information Technology, Vadodara International Campus Diu was :-
- Computer Science and Engineering branch - 48963 (OBC quota)
So you have quite good chances to get Indian Institute of Information Technology, Vadodara International Campus Diu with CSE branch under OBC quota.
You can check out the latest cut-offs from the link given below :-
Note that the above prediction is made on the basis of latest cut-offs available on official website of JOSAA or CSAB and the cut-offs are bound to change every year depending upon various factors such as the number of candidates appearing in an examination, the number of candidates qualifying an examination, difficulty level of the paper, and so on.
To have a list of all those colleges which you can get based upon your marks, category, and state you can use JEE-Main College Predictor:-
If you are preparing for JEE-Main 2022 then I would recommend you to check the resources made by our experts to help aspirants like you in the best and smart preparation of JEE-Main 2022 :-
I hope this information helps you.
Good Luck for your future!!
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