can i get admission in foreign college after clearing my compartment and how it will affect my 12th result card will they mentioned about compartment on it??
There is a reason for compartment exams and that is for students to have a chance at their careers.
+2 is such a stressful time that many students fail. That is the reason for the compartment exams.
A lot of parents ask these questions. Now, i can only ask this on my personal credential here. But , yes he/she can take admission provided the results come before the commencement of the exams and with the full knowledge of the concerned univ/board.
Universities extend admission to students based on their records and with the tacit acknowledge of the admission norms. Assuming that i say qualifying in my univ exam and MPC 60% then that is the norm i will apply.
Before my classes start or before i ask you to submit the marks for scrutiny, if the norm is attained, i have no issues.
If you say, i will get the marks please admit