can I get admission in good NITS with 75 percentile ST category?
Using our JEE Main rank predictor tool the overall expected rank to be in between 255750 - 287500 . To check the overall percentile and rank you can use our JEE Main rank predictor tool:
Your category rank will be around 50000 approximately. This is an estimation. Analyzing the previous year cut off to get seat in an NIT a candidate belonging to ST category must score minimum 95 percentile or above. As you have scored very less you do not have chances to get seat in NIT or IIIT. You can find the cut off for NITs and IIITs by clicking on the link below
Considering the previous year qualifying cut off percentile you have chances to qualify in JEE Main. The qualifying cut off for ST category was 39.0696101 percentile. So you may prepare for JEE Advanced as you have chances to qualify.
Cut off changes every year depending on number of candidates appeared, difficulty level of exam and number of seats available etc.
You can use our JEE main college predictor tool to know the colleges in which you may get seat