Hi Ritesh,
With 53% in graduation, you are eligible to apply for CAT exam. However, you would need to qualify the CAT exam with a good percentile to get in the top 50 MBA college s in India. Once you qualify the test, based on the CAT cutoff, you would be called for the selection rounds – WAT, GD and PI. Not every CAT participating institute conducts all three selection rounds. The final admission is usually based on the overall performance in all the selection rounds – CAT score + WAT/GD + PI + Academic Scores + Work Experience, etc. Here is the list of top B-schools in India accepting CAT score -
Top MBA Colleges in India accepting CAT score in 2018
Also, check which B-school you will get according to your CAT score here -
Which B-schools will you get based on your percentile?
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Hope the information provided is helpful. All the best.
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