can I get AIIMS Delhi if I start preparing from now for neet ???
Everything is possible. It's totally up to you that how you able to tackle the situation.
Dude, may be you are expecting too much but not the IMPOSSIBLE. All you need to do is don’t fall asleep to see a dream just see a dream to awake. Get rid of DISTRACTIONS. Just cut all connections on facebook, whats app, snapchat, hike,etc they all are just time waste stuffs. Put off your phone on flight mode while studying. Devise your own method of studying. Do not read much reference books as it may lead to information overload. Try to avoid studying lying on bed, use a chair and study table for it. Try to make short notes as it may help during exams. Take short breaks like 5/10 mins after studying an hour. It’s the quality of study that counts. you may spend hours at your books, but if your mind is not in them, it makes no difference. One hour of good study is better than a whole night of mind-wandering. Always revise the topics covered in a week atleast one time. Always try to motivate yourself.
Make time table and try to follow it. There is no one who is 100% efficient to follow it. Planning out a busy day, can help to overcome your addiction , to your distraction. Always be active during 10:00am to 01:00pm. Try to solve some 2–3 past years papers every week. Drink lots of water while studying. There will be a time when you feel low, at that time all you need to do is just talk to your friends and family and spend time with them. Keep a record of all colleges, entrance exams, exam pattern, cut off marks,etc. Mental peace is another very important aspect one needs to take care of. One should not hesitate to engage in activities they find soothing to their mind. If listening to music or meditating pleases you, go ahead.
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