can i get CSE in NIT WARANGAL OR TRICHY with 99.3718506 percentile and i belong to OBC category ????
It’s difficult to predict actual rank or JEE advanced qualify marks. you may calculate your expected rank by this formula
100 - your total percentile score is the percentage of people ahead of you. 869010 are the number of candidates appeared for Jan exam. So rank formula is (100 - your total score) X 869010 /100. If the number of candidates for April exam increased to 1200000 then your final rank shall be (100 - your total score) X 1200000/100
So your rank might be around 5000 . But it may change as more students register in April Exam .
But the last year closing rank was around 2000 for HS and 500 for OS . But if you try more , you may get CSE in NIT Trichy . But I'll advise you instead of going to NIT Trichy , you can also explore IIIT HYDERABAD as it is very reputated for CSE . Moreover there are many top NITs where you can easily get CSE .
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