Can I get details of best IAS academy along with degree in Hyderabad, Telangana..?

priyalalitha163 11th May, 2018
Answers (2)
Gaurav Shukla 15th May, 2018

There are several coaching institutes in Hyderabad.

Analog IAS academy, La Excellence IAS institute, pragnya ias academy,

Let me tell you bit about pragnya institute. Pragnya IAS Academy is considered to be one of the Most Reputed IAS Coaching centre in India. It has core guiding faculty of Mr. Suryanarayanamoorthy (Retd IAS), Mr.Srinivas (retd IPS), Mr.Prithviraj (ex-Director, e-Governance (e-Gov) Bureau- All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), and other Nations Best Faculty. Its current affairs magazine is one of the most selling magazines in the country.

All the best !!

shreyapandey96 Student Expert 14th May, 2018

Dear student

f you are planning for IAS then you have to be a graduate in any respective field or pursuing final year of graduation, plus graduation has to be done from a recognized university approved either UGC or AICTE.

1) Coaching classes teach only subject related topics

2) if they providing graduation course then that will not help becoz you won't be qualified enough plus that is not recognized from UGC or AICTE

3) If you are looking just for graduation then you can correspondence graduation courses from recognized university such as IGNOU

Best Coaching for IAS in Hyderabad - 1) la excellence institute

2) Pragnya IAS academy

3) Ambedkar IAS study

4) IAS brain

5) Shine IAS study

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