Can i get direct admission in national post graduate collage lucknow with 86%in class 12th or do i have to apper for LUACMAT exam
Answer (1)
Hii Anupama
For admission in under graduate courses at National post graduate college Lucknow students have to appear the LUACMAT. But if you are interested to join the post graduate course you can join on the basis of merit. So as you have given only 12th Mark's I think you are planning to join under graduate courses so you have to appear LUACMAT.
For admission in under graduate courses at National post graduate college Lucknow students have to appear the LUACMAT. But if you are interested to join the post graduate course you can join on the basis of merit. So as you have given only 12th Mark's I think you are planning to join under graduate courses so you have to appear LUACMAT.
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