can i get iiit delhi or bangalore with 96 percentile from andhra obc female
Your overall expected rank will be in between 40920 - 46000 based on our JEE Main rank predictor:
Considering the previous year cut off you have chances of getting seat in the following branches in IIIT, Delhi under OBC ( female) category
- Computer Science and Biosciences:420367
- Computer Science and Design: 459732
And for IIIT, Bangalore the cut off was as follows
- CSE: 7300
- ECE: 9000
So based on the previous year cut off you may not get seat in IIIT, Bangalore. However, cut off is subjected to change, it may increase or decrease depending on various factors like number of seats available, difficulty level of exam and number of candidates appeared.
To check the cut off you can use the links below
To know the colleges in which you may get seat you can use our JEE Main college predictor