Can i get IIITDM JABALPUR i live in Jabalpur i got 92.2236137%ile can i get it??
Before predicting your admission chances, let us first predict your expected rank based on the percentile secured in Jan JEE MAINS. Although it is difficult to predict the exact ranks currently as the April Jee Mains session has yet to take place and the actual ranks could be known only after that. However, you can predict your expected rank by this formula:-
(100 - your total score) X 869010 /100.
Also, If the number of candidates for April exam get increased to another number, say, 1200000 then your final rank shall be (100 - your total score) X 1200000/100
In your case the expected rank comes out to be around 67,577 .Note that this is the General or All India rank and not the category rank which is very difficult to predict at this point of time. Also, you should understand that the cutoffs depend on your category and gender considerations too, apart from your marks and you have not specified about them in your query, so I would answer your query in a generic way .
Now, with regards to your admission chances at IIITDM JABALPUR, it is tough to predict this years cutoff, however we can use the previous years cutoff trends to evaluate your chances. In your case, it would be very difficult to get any branch at IIITDM JABALPUR even if you belong to the reserved categories as the 2019 closing rank for the general category males for different branches were as follows:-
If you want to check the full previous years cutoff for IIITDM JABALPUR, you can visit this link
However, you have a very good score and another attempt in April JEE MAINS to better your scores and improve your chances to get desired college.
If you want to predict the best colleges you would get at this percentile, you can use this college predictor