Latest: CAT 2024 IIMs/Non-IIMs MBA GD-PI Call Predictor - Analyze Now
The admission criteria for admission in IIMA is as follows:
You can refer to this link for more information.
Hopefully this helps!!
Hello Aspirant,
Firstly congrats on an awesome CAT percentile. With this percentile you can expect calls from IIMs but for the top ones your high school matters too. As far as the eligibility criteria is concerned , you are fine as the minimum percentage needed in 10th and 12th is 50+, but chances may be less that you get a call from IIM Ahemdabad. You see,even though higher weightage is given to CAT percentile , IIMs always goes with high merit candidates , so people who have score 85-90% and above in class 10th and 12th seems to have higher chance of receiving interview call. IIMs usually put separate ratings out of 10 (points) for 10th score,12th score ,graduation score as well as years of work experience. You may checkout the rating chart in their official website to get a clear idea.Now even if you get selected it is only for the interview round and IIM interview rounds are pretty crucial at deciding your admission and it is not that easy, , so be well prepared in advanced .
The below link can be useful:,eligibility%20criteria%20for%20the%20program.
All the best
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