can i get KGMC through AIQ 2287 marks 660 general categoury?
In 2019, under State Quota, an All India Rank of 1912 secured 637 marks and secured a seat in KGMC under General Category. That was the cut off. Now in 2020, 660 marks secured an All India Rank of 2287. But what might act in your favour is that with AIIMS and JIPMER conducting admissions to their respective Institutions through All India Counselling, with a score of 660, you do have a chance for a seat in KGMC. Having said that, this is based on 2019 data and cut offs change every year. Cut offs change every year depending on various factors such as no.of Candidates appearing for the exam, no.of Candidates qualified, top NEET score and difficulty of the exam. For a complete list of colleges that you may have a shot at, please use our College predictor: . Now for an idea of how cut offs were in 2019 for this State and these Colleges, also please read our article on previous cut offs: