can I get nit with 62 percentile.and I belong to st category
With 62 percentile
Your rank will be around 388740 - 437000 as per our rank predictor at
Your st rank will be around 30k-32k
With this rank you have extremely low chance in NITs under other state.
For example,
Under other state quota , closing rank for some of the lower nits for which closing rank goes low are listed below along with their closing rank in the 6th round of josaa counselling 2020 for st category :-
NIT Mizoram ,civil engineering :- 2975 st rank
Nit nagaland ,Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering :- 3086 st rank
National Institute of Technology Agartala, Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering:- 3521 st rank
You can check the same at
From above, it is clear that you need at least a rank of around 3500 st rank to get into an NIT . And to get a rank in this range, you need at atleast around 81 percentile.
To have a personalised report on your chances of getting a college you can go through our college predictor, it will give you complete list of colleges which you can get on the basis of the category you belong to, your home state, your gender etc, the link for jee main college predictor is provided below
To help you further,
JEE mains 2021 expected qualifying CUT OFF percentile is given below for different categories on the basis of past year trends :
Category jee main 2021 expected off percentile
---) General :- 90-95
---) GEN-EWS :- 70 -75
---) OBC-NCL :- 70 -75
---) SC :- 50 -55
---) ST :- 40 - 45
---) PwD :- 1- 2
You can check the same at our page the link is provided below
To help you get the complete list of colleges that you can get , we have JEE main college predictor ,the link for which is provided below::