can i get nit with 94.78 percentile in EWS category
The expected overall rank with the given percentile score is expected to be in between 53401 - 60030. To check the expected rank you may use our JEE Main rank predictor tool
Your category rank is expected to be in between 5000-10000.
Considering the previous year cut off you have chances of getting seat in the following institutes
- National Institute of Technology, Rourkela: Bio Medical Engineering
- National Institute of Technology, Silchar: Mechanical Engineering
- National Institute of Technology Puducherry: Civil Engineering
The cut off changes every year depending on the total number of candidates appeared, difficulty level of examination and total number of seats available etc.
To check the previous year cut off click on the link given below
To know the colleges in which you have chances of getting seat you can use we have JEE Main college predictor tool, you can use it by using the link below