can i join in private college by without taking nata examination ?
If you are seeking admission to B.Architecture in India then the admission to the course is either based on NATA score or JEE Main Paper 2 score. A college offering the course provides admission based on NATA score or JEE Main Paper 2 score or both the scores whichever if applicable for the applicant. If you haven't appeared for NATA then you must have appeared or appear for JEE Main Paper 2 to get admission in a college accepting JEE Main Paper 2 score be it a private institute or Government institute. If you haven't applied for neither of the exams then you cannot get admission to B.Arch. You will have to apply for any of these entrance examinations next year and seek admission in to a college.
NATA Sample Papers
Candidates can download NATA Question/Sample papers from here for better preparation.