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NEET PYQ's & Solutions: Physics | Chemistry | Biology
Approx 1 month has been left for neet 2020. If you start preparing now, then you need to invest at least 12 hours per day for preparation, also you must have strong fundamentals. Well, it is the time to revise every topic for exam, but as you are starting now so you should prepare smartly. First, focus on the topics which have more weightage such as human physiology, cell and it's functions, diversity and kingdoms, thermodynamics (both in physics and chemistry), solutions, optics. These are the important topics from which questions has been asked frequently. Also, don't forget to prepare other topics, they may weigh less, but you might have strong conceptual understanding in them. After completing the syllabus, start solving previous years paper they will help you a lot in understanding the question pattern. To know more, kindly visit the link given below
Good Luck
Vyshnavi, you exactly have 38 days for NEET 2020 and if you start today, to be honest, you need to really dedicate atleast 18 hours a day to cover the syllabus and atleast revise once. But better late than never. To help you with your NEET preparation, we have NEET Knockout packages that you can check at:
Physics needs utmost focus and time because it involves with theoretical concepts and numbers. There should be a systematic approach in preparing for NEET. The important topics are Mechanics, ElectroDynamics, Modern Physics, Heat and Thermodynamics, Optics, Simple Harmonic Motion, Waves. Formulae form an integral part of your preparation. The important topics are Optics, Ray Optics, Optical Instruments, Wave Optics, Electronic Devices, Electrostatics, Electric Charges and Fields, Thermodynamics, Electrostatic Potential, Current Electricity, Electromagnetic induction, Alternating current, Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter. Highest weightage goes to Optics at 10%. Thermodynamics, Electrostatics, Electronic devices share 9%. Current Electricity and Electromagnetic induction, Alternating current take 8%. Dual Nature of Radiation gets 6% while Motion systems of rigid particles and body and Magnetic effects of Currents, Electromgentic waves and Magentism get 5%. Work, Energy and Power take 4%, Atoms and nuclei, Oscillation and Waves, Properties of Bulk Matter, Laws of Motion and Kinematics share 3% and the rest of the topics carry 2% weightage. Memorise as many formulae as you can and write them down and stick them as post its so that you can always see them. Practise regularly and try various kinds of questions. Solving previous papers and mock tests to test your improvement. Keep a clock and check the time its taking you to solve these questions. And improve the time as you practise more. One day of the week should be set aside for revision so as to keep the mind fresh. For reading what the toppers and experts have to say, please visit our page at: https://medicine.careers360. com/articles/how-prepare-for- neet-physics/amp . Chemistry is divided into Inorganic, Physical and Organic chemistry. For inorganic chemistry, you must refer to the NCERT.Coordination points get 9% of weightage. Thermidynamics takes the 8% and Equilibrium takes the 6% weightage slots respectively. Chemical Bonding and Organic structure carries the 5% weightage slot and rest of the topics carry 2-3% weightage in the exam paper.Chemical Bonding, Molecular structure, Solutions, Block Elements, Alcholos, Phenols and Ehters. Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic acids are important topics. Organic comprises of many reactions and reagents which can be practised by writing over and over again. Physical chemistry requires a comparatively deeper understanding of concepts, so preparing with the NCERT and referring to study material a level higher than NCERT should be the way to go. For more information, please visit our page at: . Biology is the biggest section in NEET, comprising about half of the exam, and acing this subject can help you in scoring more in the exam. Human Physiology and Genetics have maximum weightage in NEET. Diversity of Living Organisms has 14% weightage. Structural Organisationi n Plants and Animals takes 5%. Plant Physiology has 6% and Cell Structure and Function has 9%. Human Physiology has 20% weightage. Reproduction chapter has 9% and Genetics and Evolution has 18% weightage. Biology and Human Welfare has 9% weightage. Biology and its application has 4% weightage and Ecology and Environment has 6% weightage. It is advisable to practise questions of Genetics from previous year question papers, which will give you a thorough understanding of how the questions are being asked. Topics of Plant and Animal kingdom have a lot of portion to memorize. You can prepare these topics by making a comparative table for the sub-topics and studying it together. Plant physiology is also equally important and easy to score. For more tips, please visit our page at:
This ebook serves as a valuable study guide for NEET exams, specifically designed to assist students in light of recent changes and the removal of certain topics from the NEET exam.
Dear candidate
Ye, you can score 400 marks and even more if you strictly follow some preparation tips and put your effort and concentrate and do hard work yeah for that you need to follow some steps
Visit the below mentioned link weightage and syllabus and many other preparation tips and details
Check out neet knock out it helps your preparation
All the best
Hope this Information is helpful
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