can i use arihant mhtcet books for 2022 mhtcet?
Hello student,
You can surely refer the textbooks and Workbooks of Arihant Publications for MHTCET 2022. They are really a great resource to solve various types of questions that can be asked in the exam which vary in difficulty level from easy to difficult as well. Also make it a point to try and attempt and solve the previous year questions as they are most likely to get repeated and re asked
I hope this helps, All the Best!
Hello. .
Yes this Arihant book would be great for mhtcet 2022 exam. As you know no particular book is sufficient for these exams and need vigorous preparations. But these guide books help in introducing the candidates to the exam patther and the syllabus of the exam. They also provide unit wise explanation, numerous multiple choice questions and mock test series that help the candidate understand the units better and more easily. So it is better to go for these books but not depend solely upon it.
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