can i wear my sacred thread in my hand while going inside the neet examination hall ?
No, you can not
Before you enter into examination hall, you are expected to remove ornaments, extra clothes like scarfs, caps. You are advised to wear plain clothes, more preferably, plain (non printed) clothes. Metallic pieces in your clothing is prohibited.
Plain shoes preferably open slippers are allowed.
Any extra thread on hand ,leg neck is strictly prohibited.
There is only exclusive allowance for the students having ritual dresses like burkha and hizab.
Every student is expected to follow same rules.
Best of luck
hi. The dress code rules for neet are very strict. the basic rule is that you have to wear half-sleeve clothes and pants (preferably light in colour). The buttons should not be too large. You can not wear any ornaments, and accessories are not allowed at all. You will not be allowed any accessory to the examination hall,, and it can also risk your attendance (you may not be allowed to enter at all).
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Usually the dress code given by NEET is quite strict and we recommend you, if possible, do not wear anything on the thread. However, if the tread in wounded only once or twice on your wrist and does not seem suspicious to the authorities they will most probably allow it. Incase they ask you to remove it then you should do it to avoid any unnecessary confrontation.
You can check the NEET Dress Code at THIS PAGE .
Best of Luck