Can other state students apply for tnea 2019 ,then how many seats are available?
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Hi Sujith!
Yes the students from other states also can apply for tnea 2019.
The students of northern states has 9 seats (general category) and 2 seats in (sc/st category).
The students of Eastern Region has 9 seats (general category) and 2 seats in (sc/st category).
The students of Western Region has 9 seats (general category) and 4 seats in (sc/st category).
The students of Southern Region has 12 seats (general category) and 4 seats in (sc/st category).
I hope this answer was useful.
All the best for your future.
Yes, even the students belonging to states other than Tamilnadu can also apply. Since they don't have any nativity to TamilNadu, there are other eligibility criteria which one must adhere to for application. You can go through the following article to check out your eligibility criteria and the cut off's and ranks for calculating the chances of selection.
Good luck
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