Can u tell me which colleges conduct their own entrance exam in for mba may or April time
Hi Damini !
Below are some exams held by Colleges for MBA Admissions during April and May :
- Andhra Pradesh Integrated Common Entrance Test (APICET)
- SRM Joint Engineering Entrance Exam Management (PG) (SRMJEEM)
- HP University Management Aptitude Test (HPU MAT)
- Joint Entrance Management Aptitude Test (JEMAT)
- Shiv Nadar University Management Aptitude Test (SMAT)
- Galgotias University Management Aptitude Test (GUMAT)
- Indraprastha University Common Entrance Test (IPU CET 2019)
- Guru Nanak Dev University Management Entrance Test (GMET)
Please visit the respective college websites for more information on
application process, schedule and guidelines.
Hope this helps, all the best!