Can you describe the story of Mahatma Gandhi stealing from his father?
It was very interesting because he used to hero worship a friend of his elder brother who was a very athletic, strong person and young Mohan was very timid, weak and shy. He was very bad at physical activity and always hero worship this guy and that boy used to tell him that you only eat vegetarian food that is why, you are weak so if you want to become strong and fight with the british, you must become physically strong and unless you eat non- vegetarian, you can never be strong. So Mohan started experimenting with eating non vegetarian food and he described that the first time he ate the couple of pieces of mutton he had nightmares that if goat was breathing in his tummy but because he wanted to become strong and capable of fighting with British, he decided to continue this practice and to finance this practice because he had to get some money so he stole a couple of gold rings from his father's favourite bracelet and that is when his conscious started pricking him and he started getting sleepless nights because he realised that he has committed a crime but he was very scared that his father would made him out.
It is not a verified version of the story, my version of the story is that by then he was married to Kasturba because he was married to Kasturba when both of them were thirteen. So, he confided about his sins to Kasturba and she told him that it was of no use of confessing these things to her because he had not committed a crime against her. If he is repenting then he should confess to his father against whom he has committed the crime.
Tushar Gandhi
Motivational Speaker, Great- Grandson of Mahatma Gandhi