can you explain about phame D?scope, salary, fees, drawbacks?

fathimarim2001 9th Apr, 2020
Answer (1)
Suvakanta Sahu 9th Apr, 2020

Dear Reem ,

As per your query may be it is wrong .If you are talking about Pharma D ,It is a undergraduate 3 years duration pharmacy industry related courses for Aspirants .Pharmacy is one of the most popular filed among the aspirants.In these field of pharmacy  course starts from Diploma level to doctor level .Large number of job opportunities after completing courses  ,it might be different basis of criteria of job role .When we will talk about Salary it will totally depends upon our  designation ,experience and skills or where we will work ,like which companies or industries .Fees is also different in different Colleges or universities .Government and Private colleges both are provides these courses where government colleges less courses fees from Private colleges .

But as per your query not mention Which college you wants to take admission so it will difficult to answer Exact figure .

I hope it will helpful


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