Can you please suggest some books or websites to gain more knowledge and information about clinical psychology?
Few books that can help you are:
1. The theory and practice of group psychotherapy
2. Introduction to cognitive analytic therapy: principles and practice
3. Managing your mind: the mental fitness guide
4. What works on whom: a critical review of psychotherapy research
5. Why don't I feel good enough?: using attachment theory to find a solution
Hope this information helps you. Thank you.
Hi, hope you are doing well.
Some of the best books to gain knowledge on Clinical Psychology are:
1. The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy by Irvin D Yalom
2. Introduction to Cognitive Analytic Therapy: Principles and Practice by Anthony Ryle & Ian B Kerr
3. Managing Your Mind: The Mental Fitness Guide by Gillian Butler, Tony Hope & Nick Grey
4. What Works for Whom: A Critical Review of Psychotherapy Research by Anthony Roth & Peter Fonagy
5. Why Don't I Feel Good Enough?: Using Attachment Theory to Find a Solution by Helen Dent
You can follow these websites to gain more knowledge:
Hope this helps.
Best wishes
Hope you are doing well
Some of the good books you can read are
The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy by Irvin D Yalom.
Introduction to Cognitive Analytic Therapy: Principles and Practice by Anthony Ryle & Ian B Kerr.
Managing Your Mind: The Mental Fitness Guide by Gillian Butler, Tony Hope & Nick Grey.
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie.
The Emotional Brain by Joseph E.
The Happiness Hypothesis by Jonathan Haidt.
Stumbling on Happiness by Daniel Todd Gilbert.
The Confidence Game by Maria Konnikova
Some good websites are
sychCentral. From their about page: Psych Central is the Internet's largest and oldest independent mental health social network
Psychology Today.
Scientific American Mind
Research Digest