can you tell difference between the modified and normal limit test
Normal limit test is a valued or semi valued test planned to identify and control small quantities of impurity which is probably present in the substance. It is usually accomplished to determine the inorganic impurities present in compound.
Modified limit test is carried out, if the limit tests for a sample that is coloured substance cannot be done by normal method. If the opacity from the sample has been less than the standard solution, the sample will pass the limit test.
Hope this helps!!
Thank you.
Hi there,
Limit test: It is a test conducted to find out the impurities in substance. After that these impurities are compared with standard.
As we know some quantity of impurities is likely to present in substance. So limit test is a simple test conducted to find out and control these small quantity of impurities.
Modified limit test: If limit test of a color compound can not be done by normal method. Then Modified limit test is used. If opalescence from sample has been less than standard solution the sample will pass limit test and vice-versa .
Hope it helps you
Good luck!