Career Options after 12th Commerce with Economics?
Answer (1)
Given below are some of the options you can go for:
- B.Com. stands for Bachelor of Commerce. Generally a 3 years long course.
- B.B.A. stands for Bachelor of Business Administration. 3 years long course.
- B.M.S. stands for Bachelor of Management Science. 3 years long course.
- C.A. stands for Chartered Accountancy. Duration depends on how you take training and clear exams.
- Integrated Law course. Duration is 5 years. It is a combination of General Graduation course and L.L.B.
- B.B.S. stands for Bachelor of Business Studies. Course duration is 3 years.
- B.H.M. stands for Bachelor of Hotel Management. Course duration is 4 years.
- B.E. stands for Bachelor of Economics. Course duration is 3 years.
- B.F.A. stands for Bachelor of Finance and Accounting. Course duration is 3 years.
- B.C.A. stands for Bachelor of Computer Applications. Course duration is 3 years.
- B.Sc. Applied Mathematics. Course duration is 3 years.
- B.Sc. Statistics. Course duration is 3 years.
- B.M.M. stands for Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Media. Course duration is 3 years.
- B.Sc. Animation and Multimedia. Course duration is 3 years.
- B.E.M. stands for Bachelor of Event Management. Course duration is 3 years.
- B.F.D. stands for Bachelor of Fashion Design. Course duration is 3-4 years.
- B.El.Ed. stands for Bachelor of Elementary Education. Course duration is 4 years.
- B.P.Ed. stands for Bachelor of Physical Education. Course duration is 1 year.
- D.El.Ed. stands for Diploma in Elementary Education. Course duration is generally 2 years.
- B.SW. stands for Bachelor of Social Work. Course duration is 3 years.

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