Certificate course in addiction psychiatry after mbbs
Hello dear,
Let me provide you the basic information about the Certificate of Advanced Training in Addiction Psychiatry. The requirements apply to both trainees and Fellows-in-training.
Training requirements
For each Certificate of Advanced Training, there are specific training requirements in addition to mandatory training requirements that apply to all Certificates of Advanced Training.
Specific training requirements for the Certificate of Advanced Training in Addiction Psychiatry are:
Successful completion of 24 months FTE training
Written outline of proposed training
Attainment of eight Stage 3 addiction psychiatry EPAs
Completion of a mandatory minimum of one Observed Clinical Activity (OCA) WBA
Completion of a formal addiction psychiatry teaching program
A minimum of 50% program attendance is required.
Successful completion of one written case history ; 3000–5000 words in length.
To be written on a case from training experiences, e.g. general hospital drug and alcohol liaison, substance use disorders – specialist treatment setting, pharmacotherapy for opiate dependence, etc.
The case history needs to include: a full psychiatric history; mental state and physical exam; formulation; treatment plan; discussion of issues raised; and a brief review of the literature relevant to key aspects of the case.
Completion of 60 discrete case summaries.
Submission of final qualitative report to the DOAT.
Completion of (formative) mid-rotation and (summative) end-of-rotation ITAs
Submission of checklist and signing off
All the best