Cet marks is compulsory for admission or can i join without writing cet
Answer (1)
Dear Aspirant,
CET (Common Entrance Tests) aren't mandatory to enter in few private colleges at India as they offer management seats which you can accept by paying little high fees than what a candidate who got accepted through CET pays and you can get details of this seats by directly by contacting the university/college perhaps few premium Institutes Like IIT,NIT,IIIT,IISC,.. including few other universities will offers seats only considering your performance at some specific entrance examination so make sure you go to the college admissions site for more details.
Hope it is informative
All the best
CET (Common Entrance Tests) aren't mandatory to enter in few private colleges at India as they offer management seats which you can accept by paying little high fees than what a candidate who got accepted through CET pays and you can get details of this seats by directly by contacting the university/college perhaps few premium Institutes Like IIT,NIT,IIIT,IISC,.. including few other universities will offers seats only considering your performance at some specific entrance examination so make sure you go to the college admissions site for more details.
Hope it is informative
All the best
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