colleges for diploma in dairy technology in Maharashtra
List of the colleges offering diploma in Diary technology in Maharashtra are mentioned : of agriculture Babhulgaon
2.Vidhya Pratishthan's school of biotechnology
Here is the links that provide you the profiles of colleges and list just go through it. I hope this helps you. Thank you!!
In India as milk is a constant Consumable item it's demand will increase day by day.And to meet the ever increasing demand we need some professional to manage it in good form. So, it is a very good career option. There are two college
1.Collage of agriculture babhulgaon
2. Vidya prathisthaan's collage of biotechnology
There are only 2 colleges that offer Diploma in Dairy Technology in Maharashtra. College of Agriculture Babhulgaon is very famous. And there is also Vidya Prathisthaan's School of Biotechnology.