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Question : Comprehension:
Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow.

Migaloo is by far one of the world’s most recognisable whales because he is completely white. Thanks to genetic sampling of Migaloo’s skin, scientists have identified that he’s male, and his albino appearance is a result of a variation in the gene responsible for the colour of his skin.
Simply by looking different, Migaloo has become an icon within Australia’s east coast humpback whale population. Indeed, Migaloo has his own Twitter account with over 10,000 followers and a website where fans can lodge sightings and learn more about humpback whales.
He was first discovered in 1991 off Byron Bay, Australia, and has since played hide and seek for many years, with many not knowing where or when he’ll show up next. He’s even surprised Kiwi fans by showing up in New Zealand waters.
With the last official sighting two years ago, the time has once again come for us to ask:
where is Migaloo?
Already this year there have been false sightings, such as a near all white whale spotted off New South Wales. To make things more confusing, regular-looking humpbacks can trick whale watchers when they flip upside down, due to their white bellies.

What is the theme of the passage?

Option 1: Protection of whales.

Option 2: The extinction of Migaloo.

Option 3: The sighting of Migaloo.

Option 4: Whale hunting and its aftermath.

Team Careers360 14th Jan, 2024
Answer (1)
Team Careers360 15th Jan, 2024

Correct Answer: The sighting of Migaloo.

Solution : The correct choice is the third option.

Explanation : In this case, the passage primarily discusses the unique characteristics of Migaloo, an albino humpback whale, his significance within Australia's east coast humpback whale population, and the curiosity surrounding his sightings. The correct theme of the passage is the sighting of Migaloo . The passage does not focus on the protection of whales, the extinction of Migaloo, or the negative aspects of whale hunting.

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