Correction window for neet ug 2020
Rakshananda, NTA has opened its Correction window from January 15th January 31st. To make changes, login to the official website: with your NEET registration number and Password. Now click on " Correction in NEET application form" and make the desired changes to your application form. Any correction pertaining to the photograph and signature of the candidate will be intimated through e-mail/SMS and the same will be available in the candidate’s login account. Rest of the fields like Father's name, Mother's name, Date of Birth, Category, Gender can be changed during the correction window. Once the correction window has been closed, NTA does not guarantee that any request for change in information will be entertained. So it is the best thing to make a note of all the corrections that you need to make when the correction window opens from January 15th to 31st and click on the "Final Submit" only after making all the changes that you want to. Once you click on "Submit", enter the OTP number and take print outs for future reference.
National Testing Agency (NTA) has opened the correction window of NEET application form on January 15, 2020. It will be open till January 31,2020.
Candidates shall be allowed to edit the following details / fields in NEET application form:
Personal Details:
- Candidate name
- Father’s name
- Mother’s name
- Date of birth
- Gender
- Category
- Nationality
- State of eligibility (for 15% all India quota)
- Do you belong to minority category?
- Are you suffering from Diabetes type 1?
- In case of girl candidate, are you only child of your parents?
- Identification type
- Identification number
Choice of Medium of Question Paper
Choice of Examination City
Academic Details (Class-12th or Equivalent)
- School board of class 12th / qualifying examination
- Name of the school / college (passed / appearing)
- Address of the school / college
- Place of study
- State where class XII school / college is located
- Qualifying examination code
- Year of passing / appearing class XII qualifying exam
- % of marks obtained in class 12th qualifying examination
- Roll number of class 12th
Academic Details (Class-11th or Equivalent)
- Name of school / college
- Year of passing
- Place of study
- State where class XI school / college is located
- District where class XI school / college is located
Academic Details (Class-10th or Equivalent)
- Name of school board education
- Name of school / college
- Address of school / college
- Year of passing
- Percentage of marks obtained in class 10th
For correction of images you need to get an email from NTA specifying the correction you need to make.
Hope it helps
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