could i change my category obc to EWS in csab counseling registration process?If chsnged to Ews then how my rank determined in ews?for geting seat in csab round?
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Hello Aspirant,
The EWS category seats are reserved seats for general category candidates who are unable to pay college fees and it's expenses and are financially unstable. Only the general category candidates who are financially unstable can get an EWS reservation seat. Also, your Annual family income must also be less for getting admission into an EWS reservation seat. You also have to submit your Annual family income certificate for verification purpose.
Since you are a OBC category candidate, you have OBC seats and it's related benefits which you would get during CSAB councelling. You can't change your category from OBC to EWS. While OBC category candidates have a certain amount of seats reserved for them, so does EWS seats are reserved for financially unstable general category candidates.
Hope that helps and you understand. Good luck
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