Could you provide me any books or any other link for studying and solving problems on the following topics, TITRATIONS, schrodinger wave equation, STRENGTH OF OLEUM, electrochemistry, Aromatisation of alkane,PPM&HARDNESS, Density and point defects problems in solid state. For jeemain.
These are the books that are recommended for Chemistry for all topics for JEE Mains.
Modern Approach to Chemical Calculations by R.C Mukherjee
Organic Chemistry by OP Tandon
Concept of Physical Chemistry by P Bahadur
Concise Inorganic Chemistry by J D Lee
Physical Chemistry by P.W Atkins
Organic Chemistry by Morrison and Boyd
But instead of buying different books for each topic, you can rather as well try our Knockout package which has all the required information, videos and concept videos for each topic separately. It also has sample papers as back as 17 years. You can check that at: