CS is hard for science student
No branch or subject is hard, if you an interest in same, if you have an interest in coding like java, c++, c, java script then go for the branch, if you want to learn how to make an application or software and have an interest in learning same then computer is the best branch for you.
A computer science student learn how to implement and manage information of hardware and software, it can be easy and can be tough, depends on your interest and knowledge regarding computers.
Hope this helps, all the best.
CS is the most sought engineering degree in India. And according to me, it is not hard to complete. If you have an interest in Coding, Software developing then you should definitely go for CS. Go according to your interests.
The degree you choose today will be the integral part of you life tomorrow and you will work in that field. So seek your interests.
And again CS is not hard if you have interest in software developing.
I would like to say that nothing is hard for any one. If you are preparing for it well and is focused to clear it you can definitely to do .
I can give you my example I am science student with biology background but now I am doing MBA which is completely different from my background . And I have study stats , finance which I never learnt but I am doing well . So just work hard .