cutoff of computer science in dtu
Seeing previous year cuttoff of DTU,you need rank under 1k in general category under OS QUOTA and rank under 7k under HS QUOTA.For having rank under 1k you need to score 220+ and 180+ out of 300 for rank 7k..
I hope this helps..
Hello Nikhil!!
The cut off in Delhi Technical University is different for Delhi region candidates and outside Delhi region candidates. There is about 85 percent reservation for Delhi Students.
In 2019, the maximum rank for computer science for general students outside the Delhi region was about 2.5k and 8.5k for Delhi region candidates. The admissions are done on the basis of JEE MAIN rank through JAC counselling.
For more information such as category cut off trends, etc follow the given link.
Hope this helps.