D pharmacy quick guidance ebook free
There are lots of quick guidance books for D. Pharmacy. Many ebooks are available online and you can use them to enhance your study. Some suggestions are as follows:
For 1st Year D. Pharmacy:
1. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology by Tortora Gerad J. and Nicholas P.
2. Physiology of Human Body by Guyton
For 2nd Year D. Pharmacy:
1. Text-book of Pathology by Harsh Mohan
For 3rd Year D. Pharmacy:
1. Basic and Clinical Pharmacology by Katzung
2. The Pharmacological Basis of therapeutics by Goodman and Gilman
For 4th Year D. Pharmacy:
1. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics by Roger Walker
2. Applied Therapeutics: The Clinical use of drugs by Lloyd Young and Koda
For 5th Year D. Pharmacy:
1. Textbook of Clinical Trials edited by David Machin, Simon Day and Sylvan Green
You can find these books in the following website: