Data science cource is available or not, If yes what will be the duration of course and its fee structure?
Answer (1)
Hello Aspirant!
Data Science has caused a huge uproar in the recent decade due to the sheer power that can be harnessed from it and the way it drives data-driven enterprises. With sky-high salaries and unfathomable incentives awarded to a Data Scientist, there is no absolute question that many professionals and individuals want to stay ahead of the crowd by striving to achieve the tag of a Data Scientist.
However, with Data Science being so vast and extensive, it becomes really difficult to break into the field without having the proper knowledge and skill required for the same.
There are thousands of training institutes to say the least spread across the geographical palette of the Indian sub-continent offering programs and courses in Data Science. But to disdain, these training's can be termed as negative catalysts in moving forward with Data Science especially if one is considering to take up the program without any prior experience or having the basic knowledge.
E-learning has emerged to be a game changer. There are several online learning platforms offering world class courses lead by industry experts at a minimal cost, some being free. Platforms like Udacity, Digital Vidya most notable for it's Nanodegrees, Coursera for it's Data Science Specializations, DataCamp for it's hands on exercises and projects, Kaggle Learn, LearnwithGoogle, Udemy, IBM Cognitive Classes, etc., are offering courses and specialization in the learning track of Data Science including mentored support, community forum, interactive projects and self-paced feature.
These platforms can strengthen your foundations and can also help you with advancing in your Data Science journey.
Here is a curated list of some amazing courses related/ pertaining to Data Science across the various platforms aforementioned:
Data Science Specialization - Coursera
Cognitive Analytics with IBM - Cognitive Class
Data Science A-Z: Real-Life Data Science Udemy
Data Structures & Algorithms Foundation Udacity
DataCamp: Learn R, Python & Data Science Online
Machine Learning Coursera
Data Mind: Home Data Science
Machine Learning Foundation Udacity
Data Science Maths SkillsCoursera
Mathematics for Machine Learning: Linear Algebra Coursera
Machine Learning AZ: Hands-On Python & R In Data Science - Udemy
Intro to Descriptive StatisticsUdacity
Intro to Inferential StatisticsUdacity
Deep Learning Udacity
Intro to Machine Learning Udacity
Data Science has caused a huge uproar in the recent decade due to the sheer power that can be harnessed from it and the way it drives data-driven enterprises. With sky-high salaries and unfathomable incentives awarded to a Data Scientist, there is no absolute question that many professionals and individuals want to stay ahead of the crowd by striving to achieve the tag of a Data Scientist.
However, with Data Science being so vast and extensive, it becomes really difficult to break into the field without having the proper knowledge and skill required for the same.
There are thousands of training institutes to say the least spread across the geographical palette of the Indian sub-continent offering programs and courses in Data Science. But to disdain, these training's can be termed as negative catalysts in moving forward with Data Science especially if one is considering to take up the program without any prior experience or having the basic knowledge.
E-learning has emerged to be a game changer. There are several online learning platforms offering world class courses lead by industry experts at a minimal cost, some being free. Platforms like Udacity, Digital Vidya most notable for it's Nanodegrees, Coursera for it's Data Science Specializations, DataCamp for it's hands on exercises and projects, Kaggle Learn, LearnwithGoogle, Udemy, IBM Cognitive Classes, etc., are offering courses and specialization in the learning track of Data Science including mentored support, community forum, interactive projects and self-paced feature.
These platforms can strengthen your foundations and can also help you with advancing in your Data Science journey.
Here is a curated list of some amazing courses related/ pertaining to Data Science across the various platforms aforementioned:
Data Science Specialization - Coursera
Cognitive Analytics with IBM - Cognitive Class
Data Science A-Z: Real-Life Data Science Udemy
Data Structures & Algorithms Foundation Udacity
DataCamp: Learn R, Python & Data Science Online
Machine Learning Coursera
Data Mind: Home Data Science
Machine Learning Foundation Udacity
Data Science Maths SkillsCoursera
Mathematics for Machine Learning: Linear Algebra Coursera
Machine Learning AZ: Hands-On Python & R In Data Science - Udemy
Intro to Descriptive StatisticsUdacity
Intro to Inferential StatisticsUdacity
Deep Learning Udacity
Intro to Machine Learning Udacity

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