Dear Mam/Sir What is difference Between Metal and alloys
Metals are pure elements which are obtained in pure form or in combined form, while alloys are made by mixing two or more metals. Examples of metal are Sodium, iron, gold etc, while examples of alloys are brass, bronze etc. Alloys are made according to use and have variable melting points depending upon composition of metals used to make alloy, while metals obtained from nature have fixed melting point. Also, the strength of metal and alloys vary from each other. Some metals are hard, while some alloys are hard.
Hope this helps and all the best.
True metals are pure elements, while alloys are blends of two or more metals that have been melted together.
Metals have metallic bonding between the atoms - the metal cation forms a crystal lattice . There exists an Ionic force of attraction between the metal cation and the free electrons resulting in a metallic bond.
Metals have a fixed melting point
In case of alloys, a solid solution of the metals are formed with one metal being the solvent and the rest be solutes. The solvent metal forms the crystal lattice while the solutes occupy interstitial/vacancy sites.
Alloys of varying compositions and components are formed to achieve desirable properties which are not available in the pure elemental form of a metal.
alloys do not solidify at a fixed melting point, they have a solidification temperature range.
Metals and alloys are easy to distinguish from nonmetals because they are usually shinier, heavier, and harder than most materials, and they are excellent conductors of heat and electricity.
Metals are pure in their composition. They do not have any other elements or sometimes very neglible amount of other 1 or 2 elements.
But, whereas in Alloys, they are 2 or more other elements blended in. They are blended in such a way that they are advantageous to the industry. Like alloys have more:
- Resistant to temperatures.
- Resistant to Corrosion.
- Posses higher Tensile Strength and lot more.
Metals have fixed melting points and alloys do not solidify at a fixed point. It depends upon its composition.
All the very best!