Dear sir I am 2 year dropper can I take admission in ip University for bjmc and I apply for more than 1 ,course?
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Yes ofcourse you can take admission in Indrapratha university even if you have a gap of 2 years. You need to make sure that you full fill the eligibility criteria before you apply for admission.
So for BJMC at IPU the eligibility criteria is as follows -
You must have qualified class 12th examination with a minimum 50% aggregate marks and must have indivisually qualified English as a core/elective/ functional subject.
The admission is based on the entrance test IPU CET. The entrance for BJMC is scheduled on 4th may 2019 from 2 pm to 4:30 pm.
You can fill the application online on the official website.
Also, if you wish to apply for more then one course, you can do so without any restriction. All you need to take care is about the eligibility.
Hope this helps