dear sir, ma-mam, please read carefully, I am final year student of bsc physics , preparing for cat and I also want to learn programming language. being bsc in physics, can programming language will give profit or edge to my career, I am bsc physics graduate and want to learn programming languag
Your Programming skills will benefit in MBA only if you get into product management. If your intention to write CAT is to get a seat in MBA, programming will not help you much if it is any other specialisation. Product management deals with software testing and so this will help you if can do specialisation in Product Management in MBA. Or else, it wont help you much. If you want to join any software company in the future, and if you have to communicate with the developers or if you want to do some cost cutting, then your programming skills will come to help.
Other than programming and CAT, there are also other options for B.Sc Physics students. The first best option after B.Sc Physics is you can apply for ISRO for the post of Technical Assistant. They hire B.Sc Physics graduates in ISRO. Once you join there, you can study through Distance Education programmes and also apply for internal job postings or promotions. It is not just ISRO but many research centres like DRDO, VSSC, SSPL, ONGC, BHEL, NTPC, etc also hire B.Sc Physics Graduates. Then there are always Private sector jobs that you can try.
You can get various positions such as Lab supervisor, researcher, consulting physicist, research associate, senior physicst, technician, teacher, scientist, radiologist, etc.
But if you want to study your PG, you can apply for Acoustical Physics, AstroPhysics, Astronomy, BioPhysics, Fibre Optical Physics, Fluid Physics, GeoPhysics, Material Physics, Medical Physics, Molecular Physics, Nuclear Physics, Optical Physics, Plasma Physics, etc.
You can write various entrance exams like IIT JAM, NEST, JEST, OUAT, TIFR GS, IISER for admission to various courses.
You can also apply for Government positions like Bank Jobs, Railway jobs, Civils exams, SSC, etc
TCS, Tesla, Solar Industries India Ltd, GE Digital are few Private Sector Companies that hire B.Sc Physics Graduates.
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