Dear sir/mam how many subject in EEE latralentry. please you can provide only subject name & semester wise subject .
2.1 semister---->>machines 1,circuits and networks,electro magnetic fields,signals and systems,elctronic digital circuits,engineering mathematics 3
2.2 semister ------>>genaration of elctric power,economics and accountacy,signals and systems,pulse and digital circuits,machines 2,switching teory and logic design
3.1 semister ------>>machines 3,power electronics,power systems 1,environmental science,control systems,electronic measurements
3.2 semister -------->>>power systems 2,electrical measurements,modern control theory,micro processors ,utilization of electric power
4.1 semister----->>>digital signal processing,switch gear protection,power system analysis and control,1 subject and power system,management science
4.2 semister ------->>PROJECT,high voltage engineering,hvdc,and 1 subject