Describe the muscles of anterior abdominal wall
The anterior abdominal wall consists of : Rectus Abdominis Muscles and Pyramidalis Muscles.
The muscles of anterior abdominal wall is located near midline between the costal margin superiorly and the pubis inferiorly.
The muscles of the anterior abdominal wall perform following functions:
- protect the contents of the abdominal cavity,
- to move the trunk and assist in other bodily functions.
- Rectus Abdominis Muscles:
The lateral border of Rectus Abdominis forms the Linea semilunaris .
Origin - Pubic symphysis and Pubic crest
- Flexes the trunk
- Maintains abdominal wall tone and helps increase intra-abdominal pressure e.g ., forced expiration, coughing etc.
Pyramidalis Muscles:
- Origin - Pubic symphysis and Pubic crest
- Tenses Linea alba
The muscles of the anterior abdominal wall are flat muscles.These muscles are located between the coastal margin superiorly and the pubis inferiorly. Thse muscles allow the trunk to bend either forward or laterally, its help increase intra-abdominal pressure and maintain abdominal tone. These abdominal muscles perform a variety of functions.1.they provide a tonic, elastic muscular support for the viscera and by their recoil, pull down the rib cage during expiration. They contract against blows to form a rigid protective wall for the viscera. There are 9 layers to the abdominal wall and three layers for abdominal muscles. External abdominal muscle causes the most trunk rotation. Muscles of the anterolateral wall makes abdominal wall strong. Walls of blood vessels and wall of stomach muscles are smooth in abdominal wall. Regular core strengthening exercise will strengthen the surroundings of abdomen muscles.