Difference between bsc llb &ba llb courses and their packages
Both the programmes are 5 years Integrated programmes in Law, the only difference is that BA LLB gives you a law degree along with Bachelors of Arts whereas BSL LLB gives you a law degree along with Bachelors of Science, so depending on your background you would be eligible for a particular degree.
There is no difference in the packages also it depends on your capability & skill and also the institute from where you are pursuing the programmes.
Good Luck!

As Manisha has rightly put, the difference is mainly academic and doesn’t have much significance.
Being an integrated 5 year course, you are required to study few other subjects in the initial two years apart from subjects related to law. That’s where the BSc, BCom or BA part of the degree comes into play. If you were a science student in the school, you are more likely to opt for BSc LLB and likewise.
However, there are colleges, viz. NLUs which only offer BA LLB irrespective of your background in school.
So, long story short, it doesn’t really matter. After 5 years, the LLB part of your degree would almost entirely overshadow the BA or BCom or BSc part of your degree.
All the best.