difference Between CSE and CST
Both these courses have a lot of theory and practical applications
If you're interested in both Hardware and Software you may very well choose CSE.
If you're interested in only Software, then you may very well choose CST.
However it will never make any difference
Hope this helps u
It's hard to distinguish but CSE is more about softwares and more programming. It usually deals with abstract problems which are almost always has to do something with mathematics- primarily at application level. Usually, there is not much hardware in computer science.
Computer engineering is just an another field of engineering. You have a real life problem then you try to solve it considering resources,time,money. You use your knowledge to solve real life problems. It is more about the hardware.
However. CST is a bridge between both CE and CSE. It works on how to apply CS at a real life.
Hope, it helps!
They are almost similar including learning ddifferent programming languages, practicing coding and knowing about artificial intelligence, etc. The only difference that can be spot on is one is an engineering course and the other one is a science field course. Science field has a better expossure to things with real life experiences of the same. You will include a bit of hardware also in CST.
Refer to the website below for more detailed information...
Best wishes. Thank you.