differences between legal reasoning and logical reasoning for CLAT 2020exam
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In clat exam the question of legal reasoning will be from the passage of 450 words given each.
Each passage would be followed by a series of questions that will require you to:
- Identify and infer the rules and principles set out in the passage;
- Apply such rules and principles to various fact situations; and
- Understand how changes to the rules or principles may alter their application to various fact situations
The logical reasoning in clat exam includes short passage of 300 words each.
Each passage will be followed by one or more questions that will require you to:
- Recognize an argument, its premises and conclusions;
- Read and identify the arguments set out in the passage;
- Critically analyse patterns of reasoning, and assess how conclusions may depend on particular premises or evidence;
- Infer what follows from the passage and apply these inferences to new situations;
- Draw relationships and analogies, identify contradictions and equivalence, and assess the effectiveness of arguments
This is the difference between logical reasoning and legal reasoning for clat 2020 exam.
Hope it helps.
Under Legal Reasoning, topics like Family law, Definition of law of Contract, Overivew of Law of Torts, Nature and Overview of Criminal Law, Definition, Meaninin, Nature of Crimes and Sources of Law. will be covered. The Questions will be forwards and test your comprehending and supporting skills. You will be given a hypothetical question and have to answer based on the legal knowledge provided in passage.
Under Logical Reasoning, Comparison of data, Data Analysis, taking clues, interpreting missing data, coming to conclusions and making future projections will be covered. The questions here are interlinked and so if you get one formula correct, cracking the next few questions will be easy. So it's important to memorise and practise formulae. You should cover topics like Data tables, Data Charts, Bar Diagrams, Pie Charts, Graphs, Data Comparison and Analysis
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