To collect the water, nectar, pollen, propolis and ripening the honey in its stomach. Older forager bee turns into the scout honey bee that searches for the new sources of food and new sites for hive.
Besides that, there are also morphological difference between queen bee and worker bee as queen bee are larger then worker bees, they have different development periods, life Span and behavior. Queen develops its reproductive organs while worker bee develops its organs which help in work like pollen basket, brood food gland, wax gland and strong mandibles.
I hope my answer would help you, thank you.
And starts it role as mother i.e laying eggs. These eggs are fed on Royal jelly, a highly Proteinous enzyme and hormone rich food. A queen honey bee can lay fertilized and unfertilized egg depending upon the size of the brood cell.
WORKER BEE: - worker bee are infertile female developed from the fertilized eggs. Worker bees are sterile female and are smaller than drones and queen bees. These have underdeveloped reproductive organs due to the influence of pheromones produced by the queens. Worker honey bee has 6weeks of life span and 1st 3weeks bee doo the indoor duties like feeding the drones, nursing the young, secreting the Royal jelly and bee wax, feeding and attending the queen bee, cleaning the cells and hives, repearing the damaged combes, construction of new combes, ventilation, cooking, guarding and defence of the colony, evapirating nectar and stored of honey. Next 3weeks worker bee do outdoor duties of foraging
Hello Aspirant.
Honey bee colony is a trimorphic colony i.e it have a queen bee, worker bee and drones or male bee. Drones are basically male bee developed from unfertilized eggs parthenogenetically. The male bee produced in a colony for the purpose of matting and fertilizing the queen honey bee.
. QUEEN BEE: - Queen bee is a fertilie female lager then the other two castes i.e worker bee and drones. Her abdomen is swollen with eggs. Each colony contain onee queen bee as its head. After birth, the queen bee stays inside the colony for about 5-10 days to grow to maturity. Later, it goes out of the colony on mating and nuptial flights followed by several drones. The mated queen returns to the hive
Queen Bee
-Larger in size
-Generally one queen per hive
-Diploid and fertile
-Ovipositor is present (modification of sting which functions as egg laying organ)
-Life span - 2 to 5 years
Worker Bee
-Smaller in size
-Many workers per hive
-Diploid and infertile
-Ovipositor is absent. A sting with poison sac is present at the tip of abdomen
-Life span - 4 to 5 months
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