Question : Directions: Which letter cluster will replace the question mark (?) to complete the given series?
abCD, fgHI, ?, stUV, abCD
Option 1: kIMO
Option 2: ImNO
Option 3: mnOP
Option 4: InMO
Correct Answer: ImNO
Solution :
abCD, fgHI, ?, stUV, abCD
Add consecutive natural numbers (starting from 5) to the place value of the letters of the previous term to get the next term.
abCD→a + 5 = f; b + 5 = g; C + 5 = H; D + 5 = I
fgHI→f + 6 = l; g + 6 = m; H + 6 = N; I + 6 = O
lmNO→l + 7 = s; m + 7 = t; N + 7 = U; O + 7 = V
stUV→s + 8 = a; t + 8 = b; U + 8 = C; V + 8 = D
So, lmNO is the missing term of the given series. Hence, the second option is correct.
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