Discuss about the arches of Foot ?
The foot performs dual function of supporting the body weight and serving as a dynamic lever to propel the body forward while walking and running . The foot is arched both anteroposteriorly and transversely:
- Medial Longitudinal Arch : It is formed from back to front by the calcaneum, the talus, navicular , the three cuneiforms and heads of medial three metatarsals. Lateral longitudinal arch is less pronounced than medial longitudinal arch.
- Lateral Longitudinal Arch : It is formed by the calcaneum, the cuboid, and lateral two metatarsals
- Transverse Tarsal Arch : It is formed by the tarsal bones
- Transverse metatarsal arch : This is formed by the head of the metatarsal bones, first and fifth form the pillars of this arch . This arch is almost in contact with the grund in standing position but when foot is at rest it assumes a more arch like shape.